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Monday, February 9, 2009
WOW. i havent updated this blog in FOREVER. >< sorry theodore!! haha. he keeps bugging me to update, but i've been too lazy. ok. so this post shall be a very random list of events.

kays. so far, school has been pretty cool. the JIP is weird. very pointless things.

hrms. i'm in touch rug! hoho. :)

orientation was AWESOMEEEE! i LOVE my og - oreo! haha! i made this cheer for them. to soulja boy. it goes as follows;

who are we? we're oreo!
watch us crank that, watch us go!
watch us beat the other teams. and see how far we go!
we're oreoooo! (who are we?), we're oreooo! (who are we?), we're oreooo! (who are we?)

:D cool right?

orientation was really fun. for the first 3 days, we were quite dao to each other. but come the 2nd last day, we decided to have this super mass convo to discuss the costumes for the next day's o night. it was RETARDED. i never realised my og mates were so funny and retarded! haha!

so yea. i'll miss them!

right now, i'm in 10S03A. i can sorta foresee it'll be very clique-ish?. O.o

OH! i needa make v day things! and i realised i have never celebrated v day. :(

kays. shall go study math now. see ya!

The Diva was here at 5:45 PM

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
it's an early wednesday morning. well, technically, it's still night. but since it's a new day, i take it as morning. hrmmms. but then again, i havent slept yet, so that would make it night... O.o and once again, i'm having a completely pointless philosophical argument with myself.

it's gonna be the 3rd day into the new term at work later. i baked brownies with my mom on sunday for jon and the other coaches too. :) so proud of myself. hoho. but jon still hasnt started on it!!! so mad! >( lols. jkjk. take your time jonjon. heh. he's just scared of getting fat.

anyhows. monday's class was slow-moving and quiet. pretty few kids, i guess a lot of them are still on hols. eva din come! :( but there was oh-so-cute gabby! :) and aida! (i'm not sure how you spell her name, but it's ae-da) her brother, who's only a few months old, shares the same birhtday as me! how awesome is that! so like he was born the day i turned 16. SWEET! little olli. SO CUTE. heh. and aida is so cute cos like she more or less got attached to me. so she even let me carry her brother. >< so nice of her huh? her mom said that it's rare for her to do so cos she hardly shares her brother with anyone. (i see a brother complex coming along ^^)

anyhows, the afternoon class was awesome. cos taiyo came 15 minutes early, yea? so i was talkign to his mom. who is VERY cool and sweet i might add. and i was telling her how one day, i definitely WILL try an ichigo daifuku. and the next thing i know, taiyo comes up to me at the end of class with a HUGE bag of japanese goodies. i was shocked but it was a very kind gesture. :D thank you taiyo! and arigatou, oba-san. (i sure hope i'm calling her "aunt" and not "grandma" :S)
and so that was the very first time i tried a mochi. it was gooood. and squishy. and sweet. very awesome texture.

i'm just glad to finally have something to do again. thashi's leaving THIS weekend! i have a plan. but i'm not sure if i can carry it out in time. i'm gonna try and write her a song! :O yea. havent written one in a while. but hopefully my creative juices will flow for me at will. and i can finish this up by friday.

okays then. i will update soon!!! till then, wish me luck on completing the very important task of completing thashi's song.


The Diva was here at 12:38 AM

Sunday, January 4, 2009
nothing much has happened since the last post. i've been stoning at home listening to paramore and pink and christina. OH! and fall out boy! they're new album is pretty cool so i'm constantly told by my brother. i only listen to that song - i dont care.

i have to go on a diet starting tomorrow with johodomofoko. hoho! we kinda constructed this very strict diet which we WILL follow. it's like a combination of a lot of tips we got of the internet, cross refered and altered to suit our daily diet. hopefully, it's not one of those crash diets that don't last. haha. i've lost .6 kg already. hopefully i'lll lose more! :)

i went furniture hunting yesterday with my parents. i'm shifting to the room downstairs sometime soon. (not too sure when that is though) and i WANTED a victorian look. but now when i think back. hmm. victorian seems odd huh. i mean, sure it's feminine and all, but it's not exactly practical. my room is tiny, 240, 240, 260. in the order of height, breadth, length. and i think i need all those kind of space saver furniture or something of that sort. what's more, i already have a wardrobe in there. it's those built-into-the-wall kind. so that means that i cant change it. so... my victorian look would SO not fit in with that wardrobe. so! a change of plans seems to be needed.

work starts tomorrow. which reminds me that i have to bake with my mommy later. jon's belated present. :) wah!!! cant wait for tomorrow!!! =D i'll finally have something to do!!! hoho! and i wanna see jon's moehawk!!! plus, i hope the kids can still recognise me with my bangs. i mean, when i wore my glasses to work one day, poor little eva was scared of me. then when i took it off, she ran to me and was like "teacher!'' SO CUTE!!! ><

okies. another jap lesson to all my loyal readers!
konbawa- good evening
itadakimasu!- thanks for the meal!
obentou- packed/boxed lunch

which reminds me, once school starts, nad and i are gonna start making bentous again!!! kawaii-ne? and mine'll be healthy too! oh yeah!

okies, i gotta go eat something now. it's been 3 hours. so yeap

bye bye. itadakimasu!

The Diva was here at 4:47 PM

Friday, January 2, 2009
i went out with the girls today! me and thashi planned to go together. our agreed time was 1130 at the dover mrt platform, last carriage. but i left the house so early, that i decided to walk. so i walked like halfway to clementi stn. i stopped walking to take the bus at the bus stop opposite west coast plaza. and by the time i got to clementi station, thashi was at dover. so that walk was quite accurate actually. :)

enough of that. oh man! i'm really, REALLY gonna miss thashi when she leaves!!! i've known her for 7 years. since p4, when i stepped into rgps. we were never in the same class in rgp. in fact, we were in rival classes. her in 6F and me in 6E. but then in sec 3, we wound up in the same class, and even sat next to each other. then we got even closer. she's one of my best friends, and we're all gonna miss her terribly once she takes off on that plane (A380). it still hasnt hit me yet you know? that she's leaving just next week. i still think that she's gonna be in rj with us, that we'll have orientation together, go through lectures together, have study sessions and go out. that we'd still be seeing each other. thinking that she's still just a phone call away. but the truth has gotta hit me soon. she's not. she's flying away. and coming back god knows when. if only you were still gonna be in singapore. you could just come down, and i could go to the kitchen, and we can talk to each other, without the aid of technology of any sort. that's how close you were supposed to be. but i guess i'll just wait patiently for you to return. then we can have all the girl-time we want!! our little promise ok? that we'll stay in touch?

hah. ok. enough with the teary moments. i shall cherish the remaining time we have left.

going back to my story on today; the meeting point was far east. von couldnt come cos of cramps. and jo was slightly late. we had lunch at ramen ten, and then dessert at slice. and big news!!!!

GEORGE, FROM SLICE, IS THE STARHUB GUY!!!! the one who goes; "life is so complicated. especially if you're busy as i am". omg!!!!!! lols!

after walkign round aimlessly for a bit, we headed over to shaw to catch a flick. we decided on yes man since it got great reviews. and the bast part of the movie was that it was free!!! jo's dad'd friend works there, and he got us free tix. awesomeness. i mean, it wasnt absolutely fantastic seats. but they were still pretty good. acceptable. :) thanks jo! :) thank you nice uncle.

yes man is a hilarious show! i swear you have GOT TO WATCH IT! jim carrey is the best!

we kinda made a mental list of the great actors and actresses.
jim carrey- obviously good!
adam sandler- he's pretty funny too
anne hatheaway- omg she is soooo pretty!!!
will smith- he's talented. and a pretty good singer too
and lastly,
EDDIE MURPHYYYYY!- he is soo awesome

yea. and i guess the outing kinda ended like that. pretty abrupt really. but i did meet my cousin at the orchard mrt stn.

:) okies. shall go listen to sober by pink now! it's an awesome song. truly. ><

and i cant believe school is starting again soon! i am intimidated. lols


The Diva was here at 11:49 PM

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYBODY!!! :P i hope that we will have an awesome year ahead, just as great as 2008 was or even better! i hope that this year will be filled with fun moments that i will treasure for life. =D i wanna thank everyone for being a part of my life in 2008, and letting me be a part of theirs. i havent always been great, but thanks for sticking with me through it all. :)

30th was my dad's birthday, and also hafiz's.

to my dad,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA! you've been the greatest dad anyone could ever wish for! and even though you're old, (come on, you gotta face the truth. xP) just know that we still loveeeeee youuuu!!

to hafiz,
happy 16th! and you're finally old enough to watch an nc16 movie without having to sneak in. xP have a great one!

the whole family went to jb to celebrate my dad's birthday. we started out at tgif. the awesome restaurant. i described it in one of my previous posts. look it up. anyhow, i ordered shrimp! :) yummy. but they so totally cheated me. they said there'd be a dozen when there were 11! lols. as you can see, i was kinda bored. so after i was done, i had nothing to do but count the shrimp tails. i was pretty disappointed cos they din have my strawberry parfait!!!! >( my lovely, yummy, delicious parfait... :'(

after that, we went to a shopping mall. this is where i got my hair done. rebonded it again. platinum rebond. (oooo) lols. yeap. and i decided to go with a middle parting with bangs. yes. i got bangs. :S it's pretty hard to imagine, trust me, cos it's been a day, and i'm still not used to seeing myself with that kinda hairstyle. i guess it kinda looks like cleopetra. i emphasize on the KINDA.

since it was a 2 hr+ long process, my brothers went to catch a movie - the spirit. and my parents went off shopping.

after i got that done, we all met up. and then, panic! my little bro was lost!!! so we went round looking for him. turned out that he was buying candy from action city. he supposedly told my older brother. but i dont think he heard. guess how much candy he bought. he bought 18RM worth of bubblegum. and it isnt even the good kind. it's the ball, totally artificial flavouring kind. th eone wher eyou put a dollar into a machine and one comes rolling out. yea. that kind. can you imagine? 18RM. O.o i was totally shocked. ok, well not TOTALLY. (it IS hazril and candy) but still, pretty shocked.

we had dinner at sushi king. all except my mom, who cant stand the smell of sushi. itadakimasu! i had 2 plates of fried ebi sushi. and the unagi set thingum. sushiiiii! hontou oishii! :) lols. and there were these juices and puddings that kept rotating on the belt, and i was sooooo tempted to just take it cos they were oh-so-kawaii~ and one of them was my flavour; momo! =D

and that was basically tuesday.

just now, we had a bbq at my aunt's. and i FINALLY got ayden to smile for the camera. he is soooooo adorable! so so so so so soooo cute! xP and thank you kak raiha for saving my hair. my fringe was slanted so she touched up for me. at least now it wont be too hard for my friends to deal with on friday. it looked sorta like a helmet at first. oh! i'm digressing! okok. pictureeee-->

cute right? :) but his smile's kinda lopsided in this pic. hmm. he's reaaaaaally cute though. OH! which reminds me! i owe you guys a pic of eva! here then:

i quite miss work. but it's ok. the 5th, and i'll be back. and then i'll get to see jon's moehawk. heh. and all my cute little angels!!! cant wait!

lols. you know what? i'll leave remeniscing about 2008 to tomorrow's post. as of now, i'm being flooded with smses, all wishing me a great year. BUT i dont even know who sent them. screwed up phone, lost all contacts. ring a bell? heh

wow. i have exactly 2 weeks before school-life in a coed school at ri(jc) begins. O.o excited. and intimidated too. i got my uniform all ready. :) and soon, it's goodbye horrible pinafores!!! oh yeah!

okay! once again, happy new year you guys! and have an awesome 2009! it's gonna be hard to switch from writing and typing 08s to 09s. i have to keep reminding myself. and now, i'm off to set new year resolutions for myself. byee!

love you guys, now and always,

The Diva was here at 11:21 PM

Monday, December 29, 2008
today is a very very VERY boring day. my brother's friends are coming over for some council-christmas party. and i have got nothing to do for the entire day. i woke up late, as usual. it's become a norm. sleeping late and waking up even later. my biological clock really is wonked.

i've been brainstorming band names. lols. juts in case one day, i may want to make one.
1- metamorphosis

and that's all i managed to come up with. kiwi said that it's a cool name. and so did anusha that day during graduation. BUT nad and syah say that it's a weird name.

come to think of it, when you stare at it for too long, it's pretty eye bogus. :O hmms. also, i cam eup with metamorphosis cos like complete change. something along those lines. and like i searched evanescence. and it meant gradually fading away. so it's pretty cool really. but like i came up with metamorphosis thinking of butterflies cos i love butterflies. they're just so fascinating and beautiful and really intrigue me.

but after a while, i realised that metamorphosis applies to everything else too. from frogs, to grasshoppers and odd things. so ah well. back to brainstorming.

i just came back from west coast plaza with my bro. we walked there to "explore" the place. cos i've never been there before. it's an upgrade as compared to ginza. there's popular and this cool jap dessert place. pretty neat. but there are a lot of redundant art things everywhere. like, where you think a shop will be, they put up some weird art piece there. very very odd.

it's 2 people's birthday tomorrow. hafiz and my dad. i think we'll be going out for dinner to celebrate my dad's birthday tomorrow. i'll were my black dress. :)

as of now, i'm being attacked by a single mosquito that refuses to just die from bug spray. DIE STUPID MOSQUITO. >(

oh, but on the plus side, there are quite a few things in store for me this week. as i have already stated, a dinner tomorrow, a bbq or something for the new year at my aunt's place - probably wearing jeans and a blouse, friday i'm hanging with the girls - my jap skirt. :)

and so, for the rest of the night, i'll be on my bed, eating licorice and listening to paramore.


The Diva was here at 8:53 PM

Sunday, December 28, 2008
i'm back from my run. >< i ran the neighbourhood. so that would be, past the condos, past the jap school, past some more condos, turn into the flats at the sheng siong area, and back. i'd say it's about 3 km or more?

then i went to west coast park and did stuffies with my cousin. we were at the fitness corner. and we were barely using the equipment there. but all the same. a fitness corner, is a place for everybody to keep fit. :)

there was no dinner at home. the oven is out, and so is the toaster. so, i made my own! xp i made a bento. the octopus weiner. and tamgoyaki. yeap.

ah well, that's all i got for you. unless you wanna learn more jap

betchini-it was nothing
nandemunai-nothing, really
nani kore-what is this
daijobu-are you ok?/i'm ok
jaane-see you
itekimasu-i'll be going now

lols. i cant really think. i just hear it and can recognise it.

so, sayonara. jaa-ne!

The Diva was here at 11:08 PM

The Diva...
name: nazyra bte suhairi
birthday: 221092
schools: Qifa Primary School - 1999
CHIJ Kellock - 2000-2002
RGPS - 2002-2004
RGS (S) - 2005-2008
RI(JC) - 2009-2010
nicknames: zee, momo, nazy
starsign: libra
zodiac: monkey
birthstone: pink tourmaline
sport: gymnastic (artistic)
hobby: chilling out with friends, writing songs, singing, reading

I want...
my own room
addidas shorts, track suit, pullover
sony music player, sony cybershot
bicycle, roller blades
new shoes
to be a singer
body shop lip butter
charm bracelet
meet hady mirza, jason mraz and loads of other singers and stars
a good book to read
new wardrobe
to have the experience of singing up on stage
pink electric guitar - though i don't know what to do with it since i can't play ><
DKNY green perfume - apple!
a bouquet if 16 roses/calla lilies
that addidas top and skirt
mac gold
more tops! ... and bottoms... basically, more clothes
pink beach wear from triumph - isetan sports section
shoes and accessories for prom
armwarmers and high socks - avril style
a spunky, new bento box, with partition :)
english breakfast tea!!!

Your verdict...

Escape to...
ahmed haliim khan
ahmed khalil khan
jia wen
joakim gomez
nicole lin
nicole lim
rachel lim
rachel low

December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009

. Credits .
Layout : Missy-Maybeline
Picture : Enakei
Image Host : Photobucket